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Resource Centre

As a Third Party Administrator, it’s our mission to educate and empower Canadians to make informed decisions about protecting their financial security. Having transformed the industry by breaking down traditional barriers that can make insurance intimidating and hard to obtain, the resources contained here support our mission to provide simplicity, transparency, and unbiased financial advice. Please visit our Resource Centre often for information about our products, the industry, and how to protect your wealth.

What is AD&D Insurance?
Articles, Resources, Featured - 12/03/2024

What is AD&D Insurance?

Read more
Understanding Critical Illness Insurance

What is Critical Illness Insurance, and is CI Insurance Worth it?

Articles, Resources, Featured - 11/12/2024
Everyone should have these insurance options

The five types of insurance everyone needs

Articles, Resources, Featured - 12/02/2020
The risks of experiencing critical illness are too big to ignore

Why You Need Critical Illness Insurance

Resources, Articles, Featured - 11/25/2020
CPP disability benefits likely aren’t enough

CPP disability benefits likely aren’t enough

Articles, Resources, Featured - 10/14/2020
How to Compare Insurance Plans

Finding the right fit: How to compare insurance plans

Resources, Articles, Featured - 08/19/2020
The Importance of Travel Medical Emergency Insurance

The Importance of Travel Medical Emergency Insurance

Resources, Articles, Featured - 08/18/2020
The Prevalence of Disabilities in Canada

Disabilities in Canada: Why You Need Benefits

Resources, Articles, Featured - 08/13/2020

How much should I be investing in insurance?

Resources, FAQs - 08/01/2020
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